My portfolio

Here’s a small sampling of my work as a writer and SEO consultant. This includes work I’ve done as a freelance writer and strategist, as well as my SEO achievements as a full-time employee at Corel (Alludo).

Keep scrolling to check ‘em out!

Writing portfolio

 SEO portfolio

The following is a summary of key results I’ve achieved for companies through my SEO strategies and content creation.


MindManager Blog

What was the gig?

I worked as the Content Marketing Manager at Corel Corporation for 3.5 years, focussing exclusively on the MindManager product line.

A key mandate in this role was to manage the MindManager Blog.

This included:

  • In-depth keyword research to create a two-year SEO-driven editorial calendar

  • Executing on a strategy to turn MindManager into an industry thought leader for our core use cases

  • Managing a team of 3 freelance writers to hit a 2x weekly publication schedule

  • Writing SEO-driven blog posts and pillar pages

  • Editing and optimizing blog posts to meet SEO best practices

  • Optimizing the blog user flow to drive organic conversions from inbound blog traffic

How’d I do?

  • Drove a 600% increase in organic traffic to the blog over a three-year time period

  • Increase organic inbound leads by 150%

  • Successfully positioned MindManager in the top spot for search terms associated with “brainstorming” and “problem solving” keywords (to name a few)

  • Turned a formerly dead marketing channel into a significant source of inbound TOFU leads

#1 spot, featured snippet and top image search for “important of brainstorming”


#1 spot and featured snippet for “problem solving tools”



What was the gig?

I’m a freelance writer for the Recruitee Blog, a key destination for resources around recruitment, HR and employee management.

So far, I’ve written more than 150 SEO-driven blog posts and 3 eBooks.

As of 2021, I’ve served as one of their primary freelance copywriters, and have played a key role in executing their ongoing SEO strategy.

How’d I do?

To date, many of my articles rank on the top page of Google for terms in the recruitment, HR and employment management vertical.

Here are some examples.

#1 spot and feature snippet for “diversity in recruiting”


#1 position for “recruitment techniques”


#1 spot and featured snippet for “recruiter soft skills”

Let’s chat

Fill in the form. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

What comes next? That depends.

Need some copy? Describe your project for me and I’ll get in touch with next steps.

Need help getting found online? I’ll set up a call to talk about your business goals. Then, I’ll create a custom content and SEO proposal just for you.